…no, it was the worst of times. Out of control inflation. Millions of illegal immigrants pouring across the southern border. Billions of dollars in munitions and cash sent overseas to fund foreign wars (and to be funneled back into the pockets of American politicians). A rapidly growing homeless population. A just-as-rapidly rising crime rate in major cities. Political polarization like never before. What happened to the best of times?
Just a few years ago, America saw some of the best financial times in history. Overall, however, better times were seen decades ago when Americans were all “Americans” and weren’t so divided. There had been economic ebbs and flows, there had been difficulties, but most were external and we faced them united. Now most issues the country faces are internally instigated - instigated by the Democrat and Republican parties.
When I say “Democrat and Republican parties,” I am not specifically referring to individuals who register as Democrat or Republican for voting purposes. I am explicitly alluding to two major corporations, constantly battling for market share and profit. Yes, the Democrat party is a registered American corporation. Yes, the Republican party is a registered American corporation. What is, typically, the purpose of a corporation? Fiscal returns for its financial backers, dividends for its owners or stockholders. America has fallen prey to these two monopolies.
There is no denying it - the two parties are monopolies among a (not very extensive) field of much smaller entities. How many people subscribe to the Libertarian party? What percentage of voters does that constitute in comparison to those who are “members” of the Democrat or Republican parties? How about the Green party? Constitution party (of which most have likely never heard)? Socialist party (which should be zero in America)? How often do you see vote counts covered on election night “newscasts” for candidates from any party other than the Democrat or Republican party, let alone see such candidates on your local ballot? Has it ever occurred to you that this is by design? Not by the design of the founders via the Constitution; not by the design of the American people or what they desire. No - by design of the two major parties.
Over the decades, the Democrat and Republican parties have completely co-opted politics in America, and not just politics - policy. In what way has that benefited the American people? It hasn’t. It doesn’t. Party politics is detrimental. As stated above, a corporation seeks its own benefit - holding fast to market share and maximizing profit. It does not put the needs or desires of the “customer” first; it is self-preserving, and it will seek to protect itself at all cost, even the people it claims to serve.
Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story lamented this when he published in 1834 the following:
§266. There probably is no part of the plan of the framers of the Constitution, which, practically speaking, has so little realized the expectations of its friends, as that which regards the choice of President. They undoubtedly intended, that the Electors should be left free to make the choice according to their own judgement of the relative merits and qualifications of the candidates for this high office; and that they should be under no pledge to any popular favorite, and should be guided by no sectional influences. In both respects, the event has disappointed all these expectations. The Electors are now almost universally pledged to support a particular candidate, before they receive their own appointment; and they do little more than register the previous decrees, made by public and private meetings of the citizens of their own State. The President is in no just sense the unbiased choice of the people, or of the States. He is commonly the representative of a party, and not of the Union; and the danger, therefore is, that the office may hereafter be filled by those, who will gratify the private resentments, or prejudices, or selfish objects of their particular partisans, rather than by those, who will study to fulfill the high destiny contemplated by the Constitution, and be the impartial patrons, supporters, and friends of the great interests of the whole country.
A Familiar Exposition of the Constitution
While Story lamented the corruption of presidential elections, we now see the same happening with Congressional elections. The parties decide who gets on the ballot for each seat. The parties position their candidates as “the best” and the opposing party’s candidate as destructive to all we hold dear, compelling their adherents to vote against the opposing party rather than for someone who will uphold the Constitution. The parties then are able to “gratify the private resentments, or prejudices, or selfish objects of their particular partisans.”
The parties likewise play Americans against each other. One party rails that the other party will bring an end to “our democracy.” The other party decries the first for destroying “our country.” One tells its members that members of the other are racists, white supremacists, deplorables; the other refers to the members of the first as loonies, commies, and anti-America. Is it any wonder Americans are at each other’s throats? Who benefits from all of this incendiary rhetoric? Not we the people - only the parties.
Neither party operates within the bounds of the Constitution, nor do they care to. Neither party is governing in a way as to protect the rights of Americans or to insure the welfare of the Union. Who among us gains from sending hundreds of billions of dollars overseas? What city is improved by being flooded with thousands, or tens of thousands, of illegal immigrants? Which retirees find an elevated state of retirement as a result of money from Social Security being handed out to criminal border-crossers? What family is privileged by a rising cost of living, especially when salaries aren’t following? What companies are able to grow their business when profits are being eaten by increased shoplifting? Those in government, however, are unassailed and undeterred by the results of their actions. Without feeling the direct consequences of their decisions, what reason have they to change course? Where is the impetus to govern differently when they reap profit rather than pain from their corruption?
You may believe your party is doing what is right because the party platform supports one or two major voting issues (abortion or immigration, for instance), but both parties are complicit in the condition of the country. Whether it’s the Democrats making decisions leading to inflation, or Republicans fighting to fund foreign conflicts, neither can accomplish much of anything without the support of the other. Aside from times when one party controls both houses of Congress and the White House (which is rare), anything that gets done is a result of voting by senators and representatives from both parties. When is the last time the Republicans managed to keep a promise despite having the reins of “power”? If they really wanted to accomplish what they preach, why not do it when they hold the majority in both houses? As much as the right likes to lament the left dragging us ever more quickly toward communism (and they’re not wrong), the right is doing so as well, just in smaller steps.
This is the power they wield by convincing the commoners that they are the only choice(s). They continue to do this to us because we allow it and we keep voting for more of it. Just like a bird flying overhead, they continue to crap indiscriminately on all of us. Some birds defecate every 15 minutes, and it seems our politicians debase us just as often. And just like bird poop is difficult to clean off of surfaces, undoing the crap politicians put in place is likewise a daunting task.
You may think the party with which you identify or affiliate is looking out for you, but that is nothing more than a facade. The Kabuki Theater the parties put on for their proponents is public cover for the back room deals they daily make with each other to further their interests. You are simply a pawn - they are the kings and queens - in their crooked and perverse game of political chess. This is how the “best and brightest” bilk us of our legal tender and our liberty.
No party can usher in the best of times - only the people can. The best thing the government can do is stay in its lane, operate within the bounds of the Constitution, and leave the people to their liberty. It is liberty that built this country, the land of opportunity, and the greatest economy providing the highest standard of living for the largest population of any in history. It is unfortunate so many have been duped into believing a corporation will look out for their best interest and that they are better off handing their sovereignty over to that corporation rather than making decisions for themselves. It is time we once again assume the posture of our founders in taking responsibility for ourselves and accepting the risk inherent in a free society. We must cast off the shackles of party allegiance and partisan politics and return to our constitutional roots. We must dig deeper and seek out candidates at the federal, state, and city levels who will do that which the Constitution delegates and permits - no more and no less. Only then can this tale have a happy ending.
I don't remember exactly how long ago it was when I was awakened to the illusion of the party system actually "working" for the people they were supposed to represent. It was quite some time ago, and since then I have not voted simply for party. I do my best to make as best of an informed decision as possible. Unfortunately, that information gets very clouded with BS from all over the place anymore.
The common thread among the political parties that TRULY drives them both is GREED and a LUST for power. Both sides are guilty of these 2 of the 7 deadly sins. But, I'm sure there are commonalities between the parties on the other 5 as well.
I saw where our newest Speaker of the House lead a prayer before his first session as Speaker. There are a ton of people heaping all kinds of praise on him for "being brave to show his Christian faith in DC" and so on. In some ways it is true that you MUST be brave to admit and practice, even in a small way, your Christian faith in the US anymore. But, I believe he was doing his more for show. I do hope it was a sincere gesture. However, to the point, GOD has been driven OUT of our government over the years by people touting "separation of Church and state" with no understanding as to the meaning of that statement. It is much easier to be corrupt and sinful when you don't have to be held accountable spiritually AND know about it. What those that turned their back on God don't seem to understand is that God STILL sees what they are doing and they WILL be held accountable in due time.
One thing I've been noticing more and more is that both "sides" accuse the other of the exact same flaws / dangers. For example the conflict with Russia. Both sides love to make Russia (or China) the enemy and scream that we must defeat / vote out / not support the other side or we will succumb to Russian (Chinese) secret actors destroying the USA.
Hate Big Business or the Ultra Wealthy and blame them for all the problems? Well both sides accuse the other side of promoting those evil influences.