By the way, I've never heard Trump say anything that I would interpret as "inciting violence". In fact, I find Biden to be far more aggressive and promoting violence!

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Mar 19Liked by chad

Very well said! Thank you

Hang on, it's going to be a rough ride.

The theory of the lesser of two evils is what we've been faced with all our voting lives. It's easier to see what I don't want and make choices accordingly, then hold my nose. Not a fan of Trump but terrified of the demoncrat agenda, though rino's, especially in leadership, are not to be trusted either. How can we hold their feet to the fire with so much propaganda?

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The 2nd Amendment is so enshrined for us to be able to remove those who want to subvert the Constitution and try to take away our God Given Rights. What we need at this point is enough fighting aged warriors to take up the mantle and beat back the dicktasters..... I mean dictators. (I apologize for my crude joke but I just couldn't resist today.)

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Mar 19Liked by chad

"The full context, however, reveals that Trump was talking about Americans losing jobs if he is not elected. The premise two-fold: first is that many Americans, especially minorities, under Biden (and if Biden continues in office) are losing or will lose jobs to illegals (<gasp! > yes, I said “illegals”); second is that Americans will (continue to) lose jobs to foreigners as companies build their manufacturing plants outside the U.S. (Trump specifically references auto makers regarding this issue, and this is the main thrust of the context). The point is, to any honest person listening, Trump was not calling for violence."

So, in order to prove Trump's point, Tyson announces 1200 layoffs of American workers and the desire to employ upwards of 42,000 illegals, because they (illegals) are loyal. And this is not even the auto industry. You can't make this stuff up, but the legacy media and their henchman sure do....every waking hour!

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The media has become more concerned with getting the "scoop" or just regurgitating the lie told by the other outlets that align with their agenda push. There are STILL some in the media and on social media who call Kyle Rittenhouse a MURDERER and RACIST despite his acquittal. They continue to call what happened on Jan 6th of 2020 an "insurrection" and it was ANYTHING BUT. They refuse to answer the question of WHEN has there EVER been an "insurrection" by UNARMED people where NOT ONE of the people they opposed was touched? And there are SO MANY instances of lies told about Trump and a vast number of those thus far have been debunked MANY TIMES OVER. The leftist media wants to say that he has been convicted but there have been no CRIMINAL cases to the effect.

The mud slinging that happens at this point of EVERY election cycle has become more childish than the one prior. And Trump is just a big of a CHILD as any of the others where mud slinging is concerned.

I have to agree with John. I too am NOT a huge Trump fan but he IS much much much better than the demented old geezer they left is trying to push on us yet again. I can think of at least 3 other people that I would MUCH rather put into the Whitehouse. But, for the time being, we are stuck with the choices we have.

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Mar 18·edited Mar 18Liked by chad

Ignorance isn't bliss. In many cases, I believe people are using ignorance to absolve themselves of responsibility. If you aren't aware of the details of a topic then you can just shake your head, walk away and say "I can't do anything about it" (which is wrong - you can and the first step is to educate yourself about it).

Urgh, I dislike Trump too but the way he is maligned and misquoted pushes me to want to defend him. Between Biden and Trump, I'll take Trump any day! (but I'd really prefer RFK)

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Mar 18Liked by chad

The sheeple are content for FarceBark and Tw*ttee to feed them their sustenance.

As a strict aside, use caution and stay observant - separate emotions from facts. Things are going to get way, way worse before they get better.

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