Encouraging people to risk life and limb to get here, and THEN make their first action coming into the country a CRIMINAL ACT is far from being "compassionate" in my view.

I have no doubt that the conditions they are leaving are absolutely horrible. But, we have people facing horrible problems of their own right down the street.

It truly is NOT the job of our government to be a charity for even our OWN CITIZENS. Why are we supposed to let our government take care of people that aren't even citizens and BROKE THE LAWS of this country as soon as they entered?

The imagination policies of this country certainly do need to be overhauled, but not for the purpose of letting countless hoards of people in.

It's long past time to reign in the idea that it is up to the American government to "FIX" the worlds problems.

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"Compassion" versus our rule of law puts the citizens of this nation in extreme peril while placing the "desires" of those entering illegally over the rights and concerns of the aforementioned citizenry.

Real compassion would be building relationships with neighboring countries with the intent of developing their economic resources to the point there would be no need for illegal entry across our borders. But we all know that illegal immigration serves only one purpose; to put a strain on the welfare state, such that the Cloward and Piven strategy can be implemented on the grandest scale possible.

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Couldn't agree more. And now you reminded me that I forgot to mention Cloward-Piven, though I did in another recent article.

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The BS asylum claims are what get me, too. These are not political refugees, they are economic leeches. Besides, asylum rules dictate that one seeks asylum in an adjacent country, if he is so oppressed. So why is it ok for someone from Venezuela to seek asylum in the US rather than chile or Brazil? The biggest problem is the ignorance of the American population. Ignorance of the constitution. Ignorance of the fact that ANYONE who agrees with the current policy is advocating for crimes against the nation. Speaking of crimes, every major city has now become a border city due to the feckless policies of this administration. The gang members coming in are setting up shop or allying themselves with existing gangs and trafficking drugs, people, committing more violent crimes, it’s disgusting. All while the political elite try to keep us from defending ourselves. At some point, we have to say ENOUGH!

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The majority of the flood of illegals have been "allegedly" financed by 3rd parties and our own government agencies. Children are disappearing......see "Sound of Freedom" for more on that score. Military aged men are making up the bulk of the illegals.

There's true compassion - true empathy. Then, there's something else that mimics compassion. It is NOT compassionate to allow/encourage/codify the trafficking of human beings, especially that of the most innocent - children, toddlers, and (yes) infants.

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More to contemplate is this fact: the VAST majority of these illegals are coming from abroad. Africa, Asia, and the Middle East are where the bulk of these people are coming from. Why? And why so many military aged men? These aren't asylum-seekers.

One of these men was asked where he originated. Nigeria was his native country. When asked how much he paid, his answer was $13,000.00. The average annual income for a working Nigerian is........$2160. Annual income. Who is footing the fees for these people????? Certainly not from their own income.......

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Is "tidal wave" a fair term to use? I've seen statistics that indicate the flow is only slightly higher than in previous years (assuming that you ignore how it dropped dramatically in 2020).

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I believe it is. Not that I am putting that solely on Biden. We have had an illegal immigration issue for what...at least 40 years? But, it has been greatly exacerbated at least since 2008, and we have *never* seen the likes of the "migrant train" that has been flowing through South America since JRB took office. As I state, however, it is not all on Joe - Congress is complicit. If he won't enforce the law (which puts him in violation of his oath of office and worthy of impeachment), they have the power to stop an invasion (and this *IS* an invasion) - U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 15:

"The Congress shall have Power...To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and *repel Invasions*"

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We may have a hard time getting good statistics (particularly on illegal immigrants).

I found one website that showed new immigrants peaked in 2016 at 2.7 million. By 2019 that dropped to 2.5 million so we can't really say that Trump did much about it. Border security spending has been basically increasing since 1995. 2022 spending was actually slightly higher than in 2019. Apprehensions skyrocketed in 2021 and 2022 (in theory that should mean they didn't get in).

Estimates of immigrants has risen since 1970 (9.6 million) to 45 million in 2021. This is a pretty smooth climb, not the sudden crisis that many portray it as. If we look at just illegal immigrants estimates have been bouncing around 10 to 11 million.

In my opinion, it's a problem but it's not like it's a new problem or that it's suddenly become catastrophic. Sure it's increased, but keep that increase in perspective.

"To place the 1.7 million growth in the total foreign-born population over the last 13 months in perspective, in the 48 months of the Trump presidency (January 2017 to December 2020), the total foreign-born population increased by 1.5 million." - that implies that under Biden we have had in one year roughly as many as we had in four years under Trump. Alarming yes. But catastrophic? Tidal wave?

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"Tidal wave" and "catastrophic" are both fair terms. I'm not limiting the condition to Biden's tenure. Whether we want to consider Trump's efforts sufficient or significant, he at least tried to build a wall, issued a stay in Mexico order, and fought for deportations. Biden is inviting them. Do you not recall (for the first time ever in my memory) images of the migrant train just waiting to cross the border prior to the 2020 election? All the news coverage of the long line of immigrants waiting to illegally enter the country? Now it's worse, and we're footing the bill. They are being *paid* to come, and given money and assistance along the way by China, by NGOs, by the U.N., and much of it from American tax money.

BTW, estimates so far are in the neighborhood of 8.5 Million encounters to-date during the Biden administration (you can check that on several sites, though of course, they like to point out that one person could be encountered multiple times and that doesn't reflect how many remain in the U.S. - but...propaganda). It is definitely catastrophic, and the continued allowance and encouragement of this is creating a major strain on ALL systems.

Do you believe they should receive money from Social Security (which shouldn't even exist)? If so, why? Did any of them pay in? And what about those who are paying in or have paid in in the past? Do you think New York should be giving them $10,000 debit cards?

Let's also not forget that of late (not as much in the past), the majority of those crossing are military-aged men not originating from South America (Chinese, Middle-Eastern, African). I have no doubt there is intent here on the part of our government (I believe I linked my "Building an army of bureaucrats article and mentioned this point in some bullets).

Again, I'm not saying this is a "sudden" crisis, but it is a crisis, a very dangerous one, and it is continuing to worsen.

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I believe tidal wave is a very appropriate term. The numbers mentioned by the media only account for the ones we actually KNOW about. Lord only knows for sure how many more are coming in undetected. The fact that we KNOW about the increased amount is bad enough, but when you factor the potential unknown quantities, the total is STAGGERING

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I'm not sure it's "staggering". The fact that the Biden Administration has acknowledged it as a crisis does lend credibility to the concern that it is worse than ever.

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If they acknowledge it's a crisis, why do they do nothing about it and continue to encourage it? Something to consider.

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How is over 6 million KNOWN and Lord only knows how many UNKNOWNS in 3 years not staggering? There are states with lower than that.

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Populations got cut out somehow.

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I should also add that there are 32 states with a population below 6 million

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Tidal wave isn't descriptive enough. Over 10M people in 3 years? All undocumented and released into the general community? It's horrific.

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