Johnson spews more empty, meaningless words. What is he actually going to do about reducing the debt? Send more money to a foreign nation?

If we think at a personal level, when you are seriously in debt and struggling to get by, you exercise great care in giving away money to others. Sure, there might be someone in even dire straits that needs your money more than you do, but you don't just dish it out like candy.

Just once I'd like to hear a politician say: "Our government has exceeded it's authority, we are a disaster causing more harm. Thus I will not pass any new legislation and I will work tirelessly to repeal unnecessary laws and de-fund unnecessary agencies."

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The last best hope of the GOP was the TEA Party movement. The opportunity to do to the Republican Party what they did to the Whigs. There are less than a handful of conservatives in the GOP at any given time and that can change on any day ending in Y. Please don't call them RINO's, that IS the establishment Republican Party today.

We call our grandparents, The Greatest Generation. They beat back Nazis, Fascists, and the Empire of Japan and it was fervent hope that our modern Greatest Generation of which my sons spent a decade or more fighting conflicts they weren't allowed to win, would step up. Sixty of the 80 veterans in congress served in the GWOT. 47 of those had multiple combat deployments. I believed. I've talked with several of my son's compatriots and my hope had been that when these veterans got to DC, they'd cut through the crap, but the water in the swamp tends to corrupt all who spend time exposed to it. Those that could be the most effective in turning the ship of state are sidelined as those that go along to get along get the sweet assignments and the TV time.

In my honest opinion, Donald J Trump was the best thing to happen in American politics in decades. An honest to goodness outsider. He bucked the system and look what's happening to him now. Putting faith in the GOP is masochistic at best, damn foolish at worst.

Nothing changes till you change it and changing our political leadership will likely require the final box of four. Soap box. Ballot box. Jury box, Cartridge box.

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Excellent observations Steve.

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Johnson has proven with his words that he is NOT reeeeally a Constitutionalist. Rather he has told us that he is nothing more than a modern day politician.

He may know the WORDS of the Constitution, but he doesn't KNOW what they truly mean when put together. There is a big difference book knowledge of material and having the wisdom for practical application.

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