Well done piece Chad. Ignorance is often the root cause of the rejection of sound reasoning - "they don't know what they don't know." It will be a long and slow process of education to turn this Titanic away from the iceberg, if possible at all. And we can expect ZERO help from the Deep State; this revolution must happen at the local level.

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Thank you Hank.

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Feb 20Liked by chad

The interesting thing to contemplate here is precisely WHOM is demanding a revision of our Constitution. Who are they, whom do they represent, and who is funding their paychecks??? If we dispose of our Constitution, does that mean that all other charters and national constitutions penned before 2000 BC needs to be discarded? What about the Magna Carta - the very backbone of our own Constitution?

I am thoroughly fed up with people demanding and expecting "equity" and so forth. Life is tough. Life is NOT easy, by any stretch of the imagination. People need to get over this and get over themselves, in turn. The world is, indeed, a different place which makes adherence to our National Constitution more imperative than ever. WE - the United States - represent that which can be done that other nations cannot do, themselves.

Apparently (and, according to my own sons), US History is no longer taught in schools. Only a revised version of events that suits a predetermined agenda. Get geeked up, folks. It's liable to hit the proverbial fan in the middle of a rainstorm.

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"Factions get possession of the public councils. Bribery corrupts them. Personal interests lead them astray from the general interests of their constituents: and other impediments arise so as to prove to every practical man that a law of limited duration is much more manageable than one which needs a repeal."

This is a great argument for TERM LIMITS on congress in both the house AND senate as well as a 'reset' of sorts for retuning to the ORIGINAL BLUEPRINT. Let each NEW generation create rules and laws to suit that generation. There is a danger in that idea considering the mentality of the younger generation today. They could easily send the country into ruin in quick order.

It begs to question, IF we had been following the Constitution AS WRITTEN, would the younger generations of today be the way they are?

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I truly believe that if we never lost that patriotism that was exhibited in them days, our younger generations wouldn’t consistently seek to destroy the founding documents of our country

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I think that is a large part of the problem we face. The patriotism we were taught and felt in OUR youth has been turned into some " naughty, even evil" thing. It's being taught that Patriotism is the thing of WHITE SUPREMACY and white NATIONALISM. This, of course, is the babbling BULLSHIT of the divisive leftists.

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I'd wager that 99.9% of the people who want to trash the constitution have not studied it and have no idea what it actually says or the motivation behind creating our government via this plan.

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I'd wager that 99.9% of Americans in general have not studied the Constitution and have no idea what it actually says or the motivation behind creating our government via this plan.

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School? Education? Oh heck, we wouldn't teach anything valuable like that! {sarcasm}

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We don't need no education...

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The problem is people are too lazy to seriously fully understand the ripples that led to the constitution. People are too lazy to study the arguments that led to the wording of the constitution. People are too quick to dissect it into snippets to suit their argument without fully understanding the whole of it.

That’s why Roe V Wade was around so long. They turned the right to their life to encompass only their life. The baby in the womb was disregarded as if it wasn’t already alive.

That’s why so many states require a permit to carry a firearm outside the house. Because at some point the words “shall not be infringed” got diced with “a standing militia” to mean as long as we have an active military we don’t need weapons as regular citizens.

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AMEN! I too am sick of hearing quotes or passages being taken out of context and TWISTED to say what they WANT it to say rather than what it DOES.

As for Roe; so many believed the SCOTUS decision on Roe back in the 70s made LAW. But the courts do not have that authority. They set precedent, but did NOT enact LAW. Only CONGRESS can do that. And even THEN they can be vetoed by the executive branch. But, there again is just one more example of how people don't have a clue as to how our system of government is set up to work.

And don't get me started on having to get PERMISSION to exercise a RIGHT. ALL gun laws are against the Constitution, PERIOD.

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