People have been systematically brainwashed. They demand "green" energy and that we stop raising livestock for consumption. Those who adhere to these and other outrageous demands are wilfully ignorant because screaming at the sky is the only thing that gets them attention.

Even negative attention is still attention.

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Dec 27, 2023·edited Dec 27, 2023Liked by chad

Another point to consider is that France gets 68% of it's electrical energy from nuclear power. How come we aren't hearing about regular nuclear accidents / meltdowns in France?

As far as I'm aware, France's major "problem" is nuclear power is that they are dependent on buying the uranium from other nations. No problem with the technology, just politics.

To be fair, the USA actually produces more electricity from nuclear than France does. And France does have an issue that their nuclear plants are "aging" and require maintenance.

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Very refreshing! It's so rare to hear another "pro nuclear" soul.

The "global warming" preachers aversion to nuclear energy is one of my first clues that they aren't looking at a realistic picture and may be full of hot air themselves!

Nuclear is often criticized for being "too expensive" without paying attention to the fact that massive government regulation is what creates that expense (not that we should be building el-cheapo, corner cutting nuclear plants, but let's be realistic about where that cost comes from).

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Not to mention, solar and wind are also expensive and not only receive tax breaks but government subsidies (read: payment from the people). It's all a sham to push an agenda, and none of it is for your benefit.

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Yes, the entire energy field is obscured and distorted by government taxes and subsidies. Yet another argument for letting capitalism sort out the best choices rather than having government screw things up.

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Bingo. We need to get back to a free market and get government out of trying to control/manipulate it.

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Government is the common denominator of the biggest societal problems.

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I have been called a "climate denier" simply because I refuse to buy the heaping, steaming pile of crap being shoveled at me. I do NOT believe that cutting our carbon emissions will impact the fluctuations we have been seeing. Do humans contribute to the everchanging environmental landscape? ABSOLUTELY. BUT, the impact humans, let alone the humans in just ONE country, has is microscopic in comparison to the WHOLE picture. We are NOT significant enough to make THAT much of a difference in the grand scheme of existence.

I firmly believe that the changes we are seeing now are a part of the earths cycle. There is pretty much NOTHING we can do to alter those changes. These changes are a part of God's grand plan. And who the hell do we think we are to try and change GOD'S plan? or that we even COULD for that matter.

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When will production scale nuclear fusion energy become available? THAT is the true future of clean energy!

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Dec 27, 2023·edited Dec 27, 2023Author

Maybe the reactors could be fueled by cow flatulence! 😏 Two birds, you know...

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Now, let’s try to remember what happened in 1979. Can anyone guess? The TMI incident, Three Mile Island. What I consider to be a psyop to convince the American public that nuclear energy was dangerous and unpredictable, rather than clean and efficient. Let’s not forget inexpensive! Ever since then, almost half a century ago, the public has been conditioned to believe that nuclear power is an environmental nightmare, when, in truth, the opposite is the case. Why, you ask, would I think this was a government psyop? Because the perceived danger was so existential that we, the people, would make sure it never happened. Because the government would stand to not be enriched by it. Let’s see…what recent incident was billed as an existential threat??? One guess…about 3 years ago…long way to go to get to my point, but here goes. We, the people, are far more influential and powerful than the totality of the US government. They have to use us against ourselves to accomplish their endgame. They can’t do it any other way. If we can use social media effectively, we can change the minds of the ignorant. Because legacy media will never put out the truth. Why? Because legacy media is controlled by the CIA. Once you realize that, everything, and I mean everything falls into place!

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