It is unfortunate that we have broken into “parties” and people truly believe they have to vote for their party affiliation to overcome the other party’s policies in which they disagree on.

The Constitution and Bill of Rights is written broad and simple so there can not be misunderstandings of what our founders meant. It is not meant to be translated to whatever fits what people believe they need to support (2nd amendment and militia is one of the biggest thrown around)

The fact that We The People have allowed the government to change it to particular parties and believe that if the committee doesn’t select you it means that the candidate isn’t good enough for that party is ridiculous honestly. And that’s just talking about how selecting our representatives works now.

Eventually we’ll boil down to an outcome that not one unelected person agrees with and it’ll be too late to change it.

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I seem to be pounding on a few of the same drums over the course of the last 30+ years of my life. They all tend to focus on the idea of returning to the original blueprint the Founding Fathers gave us. You know, the one that has been bastardized to the point of non-existence.

The ones who were SUPPOSED to be SERVING the communities from which they came have twisted and distorted what was intended to be a noble calling into a din of disgusting degenerates who are as self-serving as you can get. And the pathetic thing is, We the People have allowed it to take place. So much so that NOW, so few actually have any clue as to HOW the Constitution is designed to work FOR THE PEOPLE as opposed to working for those in government.

THERE IS still a inkling of hope so long as there are folks like us that have studied on our own, and/or had some GREAT teachers over the years. We have to continue pounding those drums and getting people to LISTEN and LEARN.

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We have strayed so far. Have we improved on the constitution? Or have we lost the vision of the founding fathers?

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And this is what I contend (there may be a couple of follow-up articles to this one). Many people today think we need to do away with the Constitution because it doesn't work; this is a mistaken perception. We need to *return* to the Constitution, because we're not following it, and what we're doing doesn't work. We certainly have not improved upon it.

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Corruption has destroyed the original vision of freedom for the USA. We became the most powerful nation in the world, to a large extent, because of the value of freedom and the motivation it gives people to be successful.

The Constitution was written with full awareness of the dangers of large government. That notion has been lost and we now find ourselves deep in the problems the founding fathers predicted.

100% Agreed - we are NOT following the Constitution. (and that is a grave mistake that has led to the downfall of our nation).

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In a conversation yesterday with a friend, I made a comparison:

In the Old Testament, if a prophet made *one* wrong prophecy, he was speaking of his own volition, not from God, and he was considered a false profit and was no longer worthy of the office (instead, he was to be stoned to death).

In modern America, if a Congressman votes "yea" on *one* unconstitutional bill, he has violated his (or her) oath of office to uphold and defend the Constitution and is no longer worthy of the office.

What should be our recourse?

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Do the modern stones to be cast happen to be made of LEAD?

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😂 I personally was thinking of a wooden structure supporting a short rope.

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Just remember, it has to be shown publicly so people TRULY understand that THIS is the price for betraying the people you are charged with the care of.

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