Well darn, if we want firefighters to show up that "look like us" then where is the geriatric firefighting squad??? I want a bunch of 70 year old firefighters to show up and come and save the day!
Being a retired senior myself, and having served briefly in our volunteer fire department, I can tell you there is in fact a geriatric firefighting cohort. Even county/city departments with paid staff will have a volunteer roster as auxiliary staff. Retired fire fighters don't provide the muscle and aren't the adrenaline junkies, they're the (usually) old wise men. They'll still turn out for less intense activities like training, or outside fires and controlled burns, clearing fallen trees from roadways, etc. But they're often training or safety officers. There's a schism between the young adrenaline junkie cowboys and the old guys. IF there's sound leadership and management in the department, the advantages of each are properly harnessed.
Yes, I'm sure many that are making fun of the LA "DEI" firefighters fail to account for all the support positions that are needed too. But some of those statements they have made are outright idiotic. They could have said something like "We have plenty of good strong men to work alongside the women."
Being in pretty decent shape myself, I'm sure there are many "older" firefighters that are quite qualified physically for the job. I was making fun of the idea of some older senior citizen barely able to walk taking a position as an active firefighter. There are plenty of women that I wouldn't mind working side by side with for physical work.
I was having a back and forth with a woman on FB that was completely triggered by that. When I searched her bio, she recently was trying to sell a gun, labeled as a “9mm Trump hole puncher”. And then it all started to make sense…
There are many instances where physical requirement standards have been lowered in order for less physically able people, women and men, can complete the testing. Military PT (physical training) standards are MUCH lower for women than their male counterparts. In combat situations this could mean that another soldier could be left on the field of battle to die because the woman in the squad couldn't even drag him out of harms way, much less pick him up and carry him.
There are more examples that could be listed but it boils down to the same thing...if you're not physically able to do the job, then you SHOULD NOT be doing it.
This is a leftist/liberal mentality that started back in the 80s when "participation" ribbons or trophies were given so those who did not place in the top 3 didn't get their feelings hurt. I was never the "athletic type" and I KNEW that on "field day" I was going to be forced to do things I was not good at and would NEVER be a top contender. It was a FACT of life and I had to accept my limitations. PERIOD! My skills were in OTHER activities and I was very happy with that. I tended to be MUCH smarter than a vast majority of jocks. Did that make THEM any less of a person? NO. What ended up happening is the tests I the academic part of school (which is pretty much WHY you go to school in the first place) were dumbed down so the "duuh- football" people could pass and go on to play college level sports.
I could keep going but I think we all get the picture.
One thing I meant to address is the fact that newscumm WAS WARNED about the horrible forestry practices incorporated by the leftists long before this. The people of California VOTED for the people who made the choices that led to this happening. We can only hope and pray they wake up and make the LONG OVERDUE and much needed changes in their state government. It may already be too late, but we can HOPE and PRAY that it isn't.
DEI is basically Affirmative Action + Alphabet Warroors.
I am supportive of traditional gender roles, generally speaking. Females CAN do many things that men do, but there are mitigating factors that make men better for the job at hand.
I don't feel that women should be in law enforcement, corrections, fire fighting, or combat. Can some women do any/all of the above? Sure, some actually can do those things effectively. However, most cannot. A 5'6" female trying to physically restrain a 6'4" meth-amped male typically doesn't end well. How will a 165-pound female carry a 225-pound PERSON down a fireman's ladder? I can't imagine a 140-pound female wrangling a .50 cal. BMG during a 15-minute combat encounter.
The fate of Los Angeles was sealed YEARS ago when a smelt determined that precious water resources should be diverted FROM civilization TO the Pacific ocean.
Many of the areas that have burned should never have been developed. But..........money. (sigh) I pray for everyone who has lost everything and for those who have perished. 🙏🙏🙏
Well darn, if we want firefighters to show up that "look like us" then where is the geriatric firefighting squad??? I want a bunch of 70 year old firefighters to show up and come and save the day!
Being a retired senior myself, and having served briefly in our volunteer fire department, I can tell you there is in fact a geriatric firefighting cohort. Even county/city departments with paid staff will have a volunteer roster as auxiliary staff. Retired fire fighters don't provide the muscle and aren't the adrenaline junkies, they're the (usually) old wise men. They'll still turn out for less intense activities like training, or outside fires and controlled burns, clearing fallen trees from roadways, etc. But they're often training or safety officers. There's a schism between the young adrenaline junkie cowboys and the old guys. IF there's sound leadership and management in the department, the advantages of each are properly harnessed.
Yes, I'm sure many that are making fun of the LA "DEI" firefighters fail to account for all the support positions that are needed too. But some of those statements they have made are outright idiotic. They could have said something like "We have plenty of good strong men to work alongside the women."
Being in pretty decent shape myself, I'm sure there are many "older" firefighters that are quite qualified physically for the job. I was making fun of the idea of some older senior citizen barely able to walk taking a position as an active firefighter. There are plenty of women that I wouldn't mind working side by side with for physical work.
I was having a back and forth with a woman on FB that was completely triggered by that. When I searched her bio, she recently was trying to sell a gun, labeled as a “9mm Trump hole puncher”. And then it all started to make sense…
There are many instances where physical requirement standards have been lowered in order for less physically able people, women and men, can complete the testing. Military PT (physical training) standards are MUCH lower for women than their male counterparts. In combat situations this could mean that another soldier could be left on the field of battle to die because the woman in the squad couldn't even drag him out of harms way, much less pick him up and carry him.
There are more examples that could be listed but it boils down to the same thing...if you're not physically able to do the job, then you SHOULD NOT be doing it.
This is a leftist/liberal mentality that started back in the 80s when "participation" ribbons or trophies were given so those who did not place in the top 3 didn't get their feelings hurt. I was never the "athletic type" and I KNEW that on "field day" I was going to be forced to do things I was not good at and would NEVER be a top contender. It was a FACT of life and I had to accept my limitations. PERIOD! My skills were in OTHER activities and I was very happy with that. I tended to be MUCH smarter than a vast majority of jocks. Did that make THEM any less of a person? NO. What ended up happening is the tests I the academic part of school (which is pretty much WHY you go to school in the first place) were dumbed down so the "duuh- football" people could pass and go on to play college level sports.
I could keep going but I think we all get the picture.
One thing I meant to address is the fact that newscumm WAS WARNED about the horrible forestry practices incorporated by the leftists long before this. The people of California VOTED for the people who made the choices that led to this happening. We can only hope and pray they wake up and make the LONG OVERDUE and much needed changes in their state government. It may already be too late, but we can HOPE and PRAY that it isn't.
DEI is basically Affirmative Action + Alphabet Warroors.
I am supportive of traditional gender roles, generally speaking. Females CAN do many things that men do, but there are mitigating factors that make men better for the job at hand.
I don't feel that women should be in law enforcement, corrections, fire fighting, or combat. Can some women do any/all of the above? Sure, some actually can do those things effectively. However, most cannot. A 5'6" female trying to physically restrain a 6'4" meth-amped male typically doesn't end well. How will a 165-pound female carry a 225-pound PERSON down a fireman's ladder? I can't imagine a 140-pound female wrangling a .50 cal. BMG during a 15-minute combat encounter.
The fate of Los Angeles was sealed YEARS ago when a smelt determined that precious water resources should be diverted FROM civilization TO the Pacific ocean.
Many of the areas that have burned should never have been developed. But..........money. (sigh) I pray for everyone who has lost everything and for those who have perished. 🙏🙏🙏