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I know my comment will be unpopular and met with a good bit of resistance from some that read it but, I believe it must be said.

One of the GREATEST violations of sovereignty of states was in the period of 1861-1865. The states that left the Union to form the Confederate States of America did so peacefully. It wasn't until lincoln invaded the Confederate states which were at that point a sovereign nation, that there was bloodshed. The southern states were treated as insurrectionist but they never once tried to force their agenda onto any unwilling participant of the secession.

There are so many that believe this to be a part of the "lost cause" doctrine but they only know what has been pushed on them by a whitewashed and biased education system. (Another area where THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT has overstepped it's bounds).

We could go on for a very long time listing the overreach of the "federal" government, which was never supposed to exist.

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