The use of the words "yelling fire in a crowded theater" was just ONE LINE in an OPINION by just ONE Justice. It astounds me there are so many people who believe that the Supreme Court OPINIONS actually MAKES laws. More specifically, the judgment in Roe v. Wade. That OPINION did not MAKE abortion law. It merely set precedent. Only CONGRESS can enact laws. But even then, it must be

agreed upon by the Senate (legislative) and President (executive) before it is ratified.

There are dissenting opinions on case brought before the Supreme Court almost EVERY TIME. Do those opinions make new counter laws for the same ruling? NO, it does not. This goes back to how few people understand the TRUE workings of our Constitution and how our government is INTENDED to operate.

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The elitist cabal would like to totally eliminate the pretense of "liberal democracy" and "free speech" in the name of more efficient herd management. To avoid mass resistance they do this gradually, under false pretenses, and most people will remain oblivious until it is too late.

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It's basically a war of attrition. The very slow, gradual change that nobody realizes is happening. Like the frog in the pot.

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Tampon Tim trusts in the ignorance of the American people, and he's banking on it. I'm no expert, nor do I claim a store of knowledge. I DO know that there are limitations, rules, and requirements that were laid out by the men who formed a new nation. Today, "civics" is no longer a priority in public school curricula - this is deliberate. Today, news and social media are "The Reliable Sources" for fact and sensible interpretation of our Constitution. Oh, lordy..........the public is so doggone dumb......😕

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I wholeheartedly agree, replacement of CIVICS and US HISTORY with "SOCIAL studies" was a nail in the coffin of education. It allowed the indoctrination and brainwashing of the youth to accelerate at break-neck speed.

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This is one of those lines that have been taught in classrooms for decades without EVER expounding on the actual facts of the case and that this was one line, from one opinion, from one justice, from one case. That one line is not law nor is it enshrined in the Constitution as such. The 1st Amendment transcends our own Constitution and was voiced as such to protect speech that offends. As long as my natural rights are not infringing on another's, they are "not to be infringed upon" by anyone, whether that be an individual or any other entity, especially a grotesque bureaucracy.

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Tyrant Timmy is free to have his opinions, it doesn't make them correct though.

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I always say, " You are entitled to your opinion. Which means you are also entitled to be WRONG."

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