Thank you, Chad, for a well written and thoughtful essay. The fact that our tax dollars are and have been funding all of this angers me. I also find it interesting that when something doesn't fit the actual definition (i.e. vaccines, recession) they just change the definition so that it does. Words actually mean something, and changing the definition doesn't change what they mean, only what they mean to certain people.

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So here's something interesting. I mentioned the CDC changing the definition of "vaccine" in an attempt to make the COVID-19 shots fit, so let's take a look:

"Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose."


Notice, a preparation top stimulate the immune system. The COVID-19 shots technically don't do this. The COVID-19 shots induce a body to produce a viral protein (the COVID-19 "spike protein" - a term with which everyone is familiar). That is *not* stimulating the immune system, therefore, the shot does *not* fit the definition of "vaccine". Granted, after the injected person's body starts producing the spike protein, the immune system may kick in, so there is an indirect relationship, but that still doesn't make the COVID-19 shot a "vaccine" by definition.

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As a counter argument, I would say that the mRNA shots are designed to get host (human) cells to produce the spike protein. The immune system then detects this as "foreign" and thus reacts and attacks. This is a recipe for auto immune disease when the immune system is trained to think of what were normal cells as now corrupted, dangerous pathogens.

So yes, they "stimulate" but this is not a good thing.

If as intended, this stays in muscle tissue at the site of infection, the damage is minimal. But when the mRNA gets into cells through out the body (ovaries, testes, heart, brain, etc) then this becomes a deadly toxin turning our own bodies against themselves.

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Yes, I stated that it induces the production of the spike protein. The immune response is only indirect. You make a good point about training the immune system to attack the body's own cells.

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For Congress to write resolutions that are within their limited powers, they’d have to not only understand what their limited powers are and what they mean… but believe that if they don’t act within them specific guidelines they will be voted out. Which means We The Ostriches With Our Heads In The Sand would have to involve to We The People and vote them out.

However, I believe them same ostriches would pay to open their house door, if The House was to so “require it by law”

And then these same Ostriches are hatching baby Ostriches and telling them they can fly but they can’t run fast. Added onto to our public school system telling them the same.

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Dan, I hope you are able to open the link above. It came to mind as I was reading your comment. The exact topic is different but the sentiment is the same.

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Evolve* not involve

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And then there’s the WHO accord giving them control. We’re sunk.

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There are TOO many in DC who continue to believe they can act with impunity. They keep taking actions and voting themselves more "power" and authority than they should EVER EVER have. In the process, they are stripping away your liberty. Then, ;when it is PROVEN their actions were WRONG there is no JUSTICE for the people who were injured by those policies that never should have been in the first place.

I do have news for people like Lori Trahan and Dan Crenshaw, they may think themselves untouchable, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. There are many, like myself, who are FED UP with how some in DC think things should work for those that are supposed to SERVE the people who elected them in the first place. These people that are fed up WILL take back control of this out of control government and get us back on the right track. Even if it means that SOMEONE WILL reach out from a distance and "TOUCH" them when they have finally had enough of the BS.

I do not believe the controlling type in DC are going to just lay down and do nothing to try and stay drunk on the power they think they have. Sadly, I see things getting much worse and much more bloody before they start to get better.

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In my estimation, the whole coof thing was a global exercise to see just how far people could be pushed into a corner before they snapped.

Did African nations mask up and demand sweeping vaccinations of their citizens? How about any nation in South America? Central America? Um...........yeah. What I saw was first and second world nations pushing their citizens into knuckling under or suffering punishment if they didn't.

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Bingo! I was saying that in March of 2020. I wrote this one on Facebook (now on my substack - I left Facebook in 2020) that March: https://curetsky.substack.com/p/bringing-some-sanity-to-the-covid

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Let me take a moment to attempt to support the government position. "Biological" warfare is a real threat, thus our government has a role in considering defenses against this type of threat.

What is of concern is when humanity stabs itself in the back by working on these technologies "for defense" and in turn they end up loose and becoming an *actual* threat.

The government may develop plans to respond to such threats, but they have no authorization to mandate violation of the body of any citizen.

Since such research (designing viruses) is very hazardous, our government should be protecting us from such research, not authorizing it. Vote out any politician that supports this stupidity!

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